5 Simple Tips to Stay Organized When You Work from Home
Keeping things on-point is essential to good focus, and a stress-free life. When was the last time you took an audit of your home work area?
How to Bring Order to Every Room
We can admit it. Sometimes our rooms and offices aren't always in the best order. SOMETIMES it can be mind-numbing in order to find...
Geofencing - A Home Automation Trend
Geofencing is a term you probably haven't heard of too often. It involves setting up invisible borders around an area (sectioning off...
High-Tech Green Family Home
Have you ever thought of building your very own green home? We all can't wait until we can own the home of our dreams, and unlike the Lai...
Out-of-this-World Home Design Ideas
Everyone has that one friend that just goes nuts decorating their home. You know the drill: you walk in, a ficus is sitting in the...
Awesome Calgary Smart Home Products of 2015
As the year comes to a close, some people like to reflect on moments passed and memories with their loved ones. Don't get us wrong - we...
More Awesome Smart Home Gadgets of 2015
Do the nerds at Kubix love Smart Home gadgets a little bit too much? Maybe. But the rise of home automation technology (a market looking...